Division Formats

Below are the typical division formats used for each division, but may be modified based on other circumstances:

  • Four Teams
  • Four teams in division 

    • Each team plays four mini-games
    • After these four mini-games teams will play regular games 
    • Based on seeding criteria teams play semi-final game – 1st vs 4th/2nd vs 3rd  
    • Teams losing the semi-finals play a consolation game 
    • Teams winning the semi-finals play in the championship
    • Each player in the championship games receives an individual medal  
    • There are no team banners at the 8U level
  • Five teams in division 

    • Each team plays four regular games
    • Based on seeding criteria 1st vs 2nd Championship and 3rd vs 4th Consolation 
    • Each player in the championship games receives an individual medal  
    • There are no team banners at the 8U level
    • Eight teams in division and split into two groups after seeding

      • Each team plays four mini-games
      • After these four mini-games teams will play regular games
      • Based on seeding criteria teams go into two groups – Upper Seed 1-4 and Lower Seed 5-8.  The upper and lower seeding games include
    • Upper Seeding – 1st vs 4th and 2nd vs 3rd 
    • Lower Seeding – 5th vs 8th and 6th vs 7th  
    • Teams losing the semi-finals play a consolation game at both seeds 
    • Teams winning the semi-finals play in the championship at both seeds
    • There are separate championship games for upper seed 1-4 and lower seed 5-8.  Each player in the championship games receives a medal  
    • There are no team banners at the 8U level
  • Ten Teams
    Each team plays three regular games. Based on those games teams are placed into two separate division consisting of 1st-4th and 5th-8th place teams.  The semi-final game 1st vs 4th and 2nd vs 3rd and 5th vs 8th and 6th vs 7th.  Winners of 1st-4th and 5th-8th advance to championship games.  The 9th and 10th place teams play their last game as a consolation game.
  • Four Teams
    Each team plays three regular games.  Based on these games the
    1st and 2nd place teams advance to championship game and the 3rd and 4th place teams play a consolation game.
  • Five Teams
    Each team plays four regular games. Based on these game, 1st and 2nd place teams advance to the championship.
  • Six Teams
    Each team plays three regular games.  Based on these games the
    1st and 2nd place teams advance to the championship game and 3rd-6th place teams play their last game as a consolation were 3rd vs 4th and 5th vs 6th. 
  • Seven Teams
    Each team plays two regular games. Based on these games the
    1st place team advances directly to the semi-finals. The other teams play a quarter final round, where 2nd vs 7th, 3rd vs 6th, and 4th vs 5th.  The winners of the quarter finals advance to the semi-finals, where 1st plays winner of the 4th vs 5th and winner of 2nd vs 7th plays winner of 3rd vs 6th. The winners of the semi-finals advance to the championship game. The quarter final losing teams play a consolation game. We will pair up teams that have not played each other and also include the losing team from the 1st place semi-final game. 
  • Eight Teams
    Teams are placed into two four team divisions. Each team plays three regular games in their respective divisions.  The teams in 3rd and 4th place in each division will cross over and play their last games as a consolation were
    3rd vs 3rd and 4th vs 4th.  The teams in 1st and 2nd place cross over were 1stA vs 2ndB and 1stB vs 2ndA play a semi-final game.  The winners of the semi-final games advance to the championship game.