In the whirlwind of holiday chaos and a busy hockey schedule, where the jingle of bells competes with the hustle and bustle of year-end festivities and you are racing to practices, team parties and hockey tournaments, Nelsa Roberto’s “My Hockey Mom Prayer” emerges as a reminder to take a deep breath and prepare for every hockey scenario as the role of HOCKEY MOM.
In this heartfelt ode to the hockey season and hockey mom persona, Roberto captures the unique stress that often accompanies hockey parents as well as the holidays. However, amidst the chaos, she unveils a powerful truth – the profound blessing of being a hockey mom. Nelsa’s words resonate as a reminder that even in the midst of holiday stress, being a hockey mom is a cherished privilege, bringing joy, camaraderie, and a sense of community.
“My Hockey Mom Prayer” stands as a testament to the uplifting power of gratitude and highlights the role of a hockey mom during this festive season and beyond… all the way to March or…Spring Hockey….
My Hockey Mom Prayer
(By Nelsa Roberto)
May I find the best route to the hockey arena in rush hour traffic. May there not be any road closures, beginner drivers or other stressed out hockey parents in my path.
May The Boy have remembered all his equipment. May I hold my incredulous yell of frustration back when we’re running late and he tells me that he MIGHT have left his hockey gloves on the floor back home.
May I find the grace not to scream at an opposing player who has just elbowed my son in the head.
May I find a spot in the arena that is actually under a working heater.
May I not get sick of Tim Horton’s coffee, bagels, sandwiches and Timbits in the next eight months.
May I try, for once, to just enjoy the game and not get stressed out and embarrass my son by screaming in the third period “Jesus, Mary and Joseph! SKATE!!!!!!!”
May I have the right words to comfort and encourage him when he has a bad game and the exuberance to celebrate with him when he has a good one.
May I remember that he loves this freezing, time-consuming, money-sucking sport and that he is a thing of beauty when he skates.
And, most of all, may I remember that his childhood is passing all too quickly and that, one day, I will actually miss all the time we spent in the van hustling back and forth between arenas. One day I will wish for that time back so let me hold it in my memory as long as I can because it is flying away from me, faster than my son on hockey skates.
Let us know which stanzas stand out most to you. Maybe it’s a reflection of you. We recommend saying as many of the phrases as necessary to bring calm into your holiday season and through the rest of the hockey season.
Be a beacon of positivity and enjoy every minute of being a HOCKEY MOM.
We hope you celebrate your awesome hockey mom experience! The Hockey Community is a special one.
So many friendships have come out of being a hockey mom. This poem was shared with me by another hockey mom and we thought it is always good to remind ourselves of the impact we play in the whirlwind of our kids growing up in hockey.
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