About Whitney Harrington

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So far Whitney Harrington has created 26 blog entries.

Fueling for Tournament Success

Let’s face it, tournaments are exciting and a great opportunity for team building, but figuring out how to fuel our athletes for multiple games can feel challenging and frustrating. Fortunately, understanding the types of food they need between games and in the hotel room for refueling alleviates stress and the never-ending question… “what do you [...]

Top 10 Tips for First-Time Youth Hockey Team Managers

Congratulations on becoming a first-year hockey team manager! Managing a hockey team can be an incredibly rewarding experience, but it can also be overwhelming if you don't have a plan in place. Here are some tips to help you survive your first year as a hockey team manager: 1. Establish communication channels: It's important to [...]

How to Have a Great Holiday Hockey Tournament

Your team is selecting the season’s hockey tournaments to attend and the holiday the tournament falls on is a big deciding factor. Whether you're a player, coach, or spectator, a well-organized and enjoyable tournament experience is essential. Here, we will share some key tips and suggestions to ensure you have a fantastic time at a [...]

How to Choose the Best Hockey Tournament

Choosing the best hockey tournament for your team can be a daunting task, considering the multitude of options available. However, with careful consideration of certain factors, you can ensure that your team has a memorable and successful tournament season. Whether you're a coach, team manager, parent, or player, your input is crucial in making the [...]

5 Keys to Being A Great Hockey Mom

As a hockey mom, you play a critical role in your child's hockey experience. You are not only their biggest supporter but also their confidant, chauffeur, and cheerleader. We share 5 keys to being a great hockey mom and helping your child have a positive experience with the game of hockey. Why is Being a [...]

2023-05-11T13:17:12-04:0005/11/23|Blog, Youth Hockey|

3 Keys to Determine if Your Youth Hockey Player is Ready to Move From the House League to Travel Hockey

As we prepare for the next hockey season, youth hockey tryouts are upon us, your player or goalie may be ready to move from the house league to the travel team. But, how do you know if it’s the right time for the move? Many young players start out in the house league where [...]

2023-05-04T20:54:21-04:0005/04/23|Blog, Youth Hockey|


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